Sports Directors & Responsibilities

Sports Director

General Facility Needs for Hosts

    • If possible see if dorms can be available on Thursday night for visiting teams.
    • Know maximum number of beds on campus. Need about 250.
    • Availability and list of nearby hotels with special rate, with tax exempt status from host school.
    • Cafeteria facilities and staff able to serve 250-300 people.
    • Good Public Address system (loud speaker) at site of event.
    • Recreation area for social activities.
    • Hospitality room during event.
    • NCASB Business meeting room
    • Meeting room for coaches meeting
    • Facilities to host banquet for Fall and Spring tournaments if needed.
    • If possible get sponsors to help pay for meet or banquet etc.
    • Personnel Needs for Hosts
    • Registration Personnel (collect meal, t-shirt, special event money)
    • Pass out information booklets, t-shirts, goodie bags.
    • Maintenance Staff (recommended on duty 8a.m.-11 p.m. then on call)
    • Custodial Staff ( recommended on duty 8a.m.-11 p.m. then on call)
    • Increased staff to help prepare and serve food for 250-300 people.
    • Nursing Staff (24 hours)
    • Increased Security (24 hours)
    • Games Committee (appointed by host school)
    • Athletic Trainer (paid for by NCASB)


  • If possible get sponsors to help pay for meet or banquet, t-shirts etc.
  • Accessible phone number to school from off campus.
  • Goodie Bags optional

NCASB Sports Directors

Cheerleading Doah Strojek Arkansas
Forensics Christian Puett Kansas
Goalball Tim Cobb Missouri
Swimming Jim Peterfish Ohio
Track Frank Alexander Tennessee
Wrestling Jay Humphreys Tennessee