Kansas State School for the Blind

The Kansas State School for the Blind (KSSB) has been in existence since 1867 and demonstrates the long-standing commitment by the State of Kansas to the area of special education. This agency is governed by the Kansas State Board of Education, and provides an environment rich in comprehensive education services, curriculum, and transition planning specifically tailored to blindness and deaf-blindness. KSSB leads through partnerships with parents, local school districts, and community resources to ensure equal access to a high quality education for all Kansas students who are blind or visually impaired.

The mission of KSSB is to empower students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to assume responsible roles in society and to lead fulfilling lives. With an environment rich in comprehensive services, education specialists, an individualized accredited curriculum, and transition planning, KSSB will lead through partnerships with parents, local schools, and community resources to ensure equal access to a high quality education for all Kansas students who are blind or visually impaired regardless of where they attend school.

Contact Information

1100 State Avenue
Kansas City, Kansas 66102
Website: http://www.kssdb.org

Title Name Phone Email
Superintendent Jon Harding 913-305-3014
Athletic Director Tim Schierbeck 913-305-3066 tschierbeck@kssdb.org
Track & Field Coach Tim Schierbeck 913-305-3066 tschierbeck@kssdb.org
Track & Field Coach Valerie Pollan 913-305-3066 vpollan@kssdb.org
Wrestling Coach Tim Schierbeck 913-305-3066 tschierbeck@kssdb.org
Cheerleading Coach Angi Vold 913-305-3066 avold@kssdb.org
Swimming Coach Tim Schierbeck 913-305-3066 tschierbeck@kssdb.org
Forensics Coach Christian Puett 913-305-3024 cpuett@kssdb.org
Goalball Coach Tim Schierbeck 913-305-3066 tschierbeck@kssdb.org
Mascot Eagles
School Colors Royal Blue and Red